Infrastructural initiatives 2018

Projects funded in call 2018-II
Pre proposals submitted: 19
Invitation to full proposal submission: 8
Proposals funded: 4
The Infrastructure initiatives proposals were evaluated by a multidisciplinary evaluation committee composed by selected members of the internal review committee of the KWF Advisory Board and external (inter)national experts.
Funded projects
IMPACT - IMage guided Proton/pArticle infrastructure for preClinical sTudies
PI: prof. Sytze Brandenburg (Groningen University)
Funding granted: € 2.817.202
Aim: to establish an infrastructure for image-guided small animal particle irradiation.
PI: prof. Sytze Brandenburg (Groningen University)
Funding granted: € 2.817.202
Aim: to establish an infrastructure for image-guided small animal particle irradiation.
AOCR - Building in the Archipelago of Ovarian Cancer Research
PI: prof. Marc van de Vijver (AMC)
Funding granted: € 1.291.532
Aim: to establish a nationwide multidisciplinary platform to centralize and expand (pre-)clinical and translational research of ovarian cancer.
PI: prof. Marc van de Vijver (AMC)
Funding granted: € 1.291.532
Aim: to establish a nationwide multidisciplinary platform to centralize and expand (pre-)clinical and translational research of ovarian cancer.
COMPRAYA - Dutch nationwide infrastructure for COMPRehensive health outcome and intervention research among Adolescent and Young Adult cancer survivors
PI: prof. Winette van der Graaf (Antoni van Leeuwenhoek)
Funding granted: € 2.790.721
Aim: To create a patient-centered nationwide resource for research into predictive and prognostic markers and underlying mechanisms of (age-specific - AYA) health outcomes.
PI: prof. Winette van der Graaf (Antoni van Leeuwenhoek)
Funding granted: € 2.790.721
Aim: To create a patient-centered nationwide resource for research into predictive and prognostic markers and underlying mechanisms of (age-specific - AYA) health outcomes.
PLCRC-FALCON - Facilitating sharing of data of all colorectal cancer patients in the Netherlands by the Prospective Dutch CRC cohort
PI: prof. Miriam Koopman (UMC Utrecht)
Funding granted: € 800.473
Aim: to establish a platform to increase the inclusion rate of CRC patients in the existent PLCRC and its sub studies.
PI: prof. Miriam Koopman (UMC Utrecht)
Funding granted: € 800.473
Aim: to establish a platform to increase the inclusion rate of CRC patients in the existent PLCRC and its sub studies.