Implementation research

Research to facilitate implementation
Starting from Call for Proposals 2020-1, it is possible to apply for funding for implementation research within the KWF Programme Research & Implementation. Project proposals for implementation research can be submitted within the regular funding types (research project, Young Investigator Grant, unique high-risk projects), making Implementation research not a separate funding type within the program.
Implementation in broader sense (making effective innovations accessible) will become a separate funding type apart from the KWF Programme Research & Implementation.
Implementation research encompasses scientific studies on methods to promote the delivery, and enhance the adoption of evidence-based interventions in (clinical) practice, hereby improving the quality and effectiveness of cancer care, cancer prevention and/or quality of life. A project proposal must have a research focus, including a scientific research question such as:
- What are barriers and/or success factors in the implementation of an (evidence-based) innovation / new method?
- Which implementation strategies are effective and which are not?
- Why does an implementation strategy work in one healthcare practice and not in another?
- What are the unintended and unexpected effects of the implementation?
- To what extent is an innovation / new method been implemented and adopted in the organization?
- How can the result of the implementation be sustained?
All information about implementation research can be found in the Guidelines of the Research & Implementation Program. Do you still have a question after reading the Guidelines? Please contact our Program Coordinators.
More information about the funding possibilities for Implementation in the narrower sense (i.e. non-research proposals that focus on the actual uptake of evidence based innovations/new methods in (clinical) routine practice) will follow later.